LCMC Track Record

Up to 2019, LCMC operated as a program of Jesuit Hakimani Centre, a Jesuit Social Centre. LCMC is credited for producing two major professional and broadcast quality shows: The Rally and The Chase. These series were produced with LCMC’s Desert Sailors – a group of graduate and performing art talented young people. The programs broadcast in the national TV Broadcaster and were used by many civil society organizations for civic education. One such program The Rally produced in 2013 is still relevant during election campaigns. The program also was broadcast on mainstream TVs. The Catholic Teachers Association of Kenya, under the Kenya Conference of Catholic Bishops – Commission of education watched the shorter version of the production, discussed and rated it useable in schools in Kenya. Consequently, the head teachers received a copy of the series for the use in schools. The director, Elias Mokua, was one of the invited guest speakers to the national forum to specifically speak about value-based learning and production of alternative content. In addition to the series, LCMC has also produced short doc-dramas such as Bomani that are now used by CSOs in peacebuilding programs.
Furthermore, LCMC produced audio-visuals that were used in Catholic Schools in Kenya Tanzania to promote social justice in schools. In addition, in this program that was implemented in Jesuits schools and select religious run schools, students participated in the program not as passive receivers of the content produced by experts but as active co-creators of content through performing arts, that is, drama, paint, drawing, dance and poetry. A similar approach has successfully been used in Northern Kenya – Samburu and Isiolo among the marginalized communities. Children engagement in the program is a core aspect of using the audio-visuals LCMC produces.
Besides, LCMC has a linkage with DKA through which it has partners in India and Austria. The partnership produces advocacy audio-visuals in which the children themselves are the change they want.
Additionally, LCMC has produced several documents for partner organizations.
As a result of the more 10 years of working in audio and audio productions, LCMC is well experienced in working with children to ensure quality and competitive content production and the safety and protection of children at all times and in all spaces.
Children at Risk
LCMC runs programs that build the resilience of vulnerable children and young-people-at-risk, their families, their host communities, and local leadership in informal settlements and marginalized areas. The goal is to empower parents and guardians to promote safeguarding measures, social and legal protection to their children & young-people-at-risk, and the general protection and promotion of the rights of children & young-people-at-risk through performance arts, story-telling, docu-drama, live-performances, nurturing & using local artistic expressions. We work with learning institutions to nurture but also use children’s talent and gifts to complement government syllabus in holistic development of children. As well, we work with and through the Church to strengthen the faith of children in a world with competing values some of which undermine the character formation of children and young people.
Social Justice in Schools
Promoting social justice in schools is at the heart of Loyola Centre for Media and Communications (LCMC). Inspired by its vision and mission, LCMC finds it imperative that schools should inculcate social justice in their curriculum. LCMC runs a project on Social Justice for Young People in the bid to contribute to social and economic transformation, and also promote a culture of nonviolence and encourage moral behavior among young people.